Curriculum vitae
The real skill of the therapist is to reach the same goal in different ways. A. Borragan
This thought led me to explore various aspects of my profession with a neurological debut in assistance centers for disabled people both adults and children. Subsequently the collaboration with nursing homes for the elderly and medical clinics where I perfected my knowledge on physical therapy. I now deal mainly with manual therapies, a concept that encompasses various techniques aimed at the treatment of various pathologies of soft tissues and joints through the use of the hands.
Manual therapy is a set of techniques used in alterations of the locomotor system, in changes in mobility, in changes in tissues. The goals of this therapeutic approach are to relieve pain, optimize the patient's functional capabilities. The ability to touch with your hands creates empathy and security.
Taking charge of a mastectomized woman leads us to consider the many aspects that this entails. Lymphedema, for example, is only a small part of a much more complex problem. In addition to the joint component, muscle strength, we often find ourselves in front of a surgical wound which, by adhering to the tissues, modifies its elasticity and sliding ability. Even radiation therapy causes a situation of bridling of the involved and neighboring tissues and this, even after some time. The patients also complain of pain in the shoulder, neck, jaw, muscle contractures. A manual fascial and connective treatment can be a valuable aid since it intervenes on the support and union structures between the various tissues, thickened and inelastic structures, often fibrotized. The band wraps around our body, insinuates itself between the various organs, creates union, support, facilitates the sliding of the tissues. When this fluidity is lacking, something is jammed and the whole system will be put under tension. It will be our task to help recover elasticity, reduce edemas, recover movement, intervene in postural and asymmetric problems.
Diacutaneous fibrolysis is a manual technique for the treatment of pain of the skeletal muscle system (epicondylitis, muscle fibrosis and tendon).
The effects on fabrics
The deep transverse massage is a manual technique on a localized and well delimited area affected by an inflammatory phenomenon. The purpose of the treatment is to break the scar adhesions or inhibit their formation. The strong stimulation of the mechanoreceptors inhibits the transmission of pain (gate control), favors the realignment of the collagen fibers. The increase in local hyperemia helps the speed of elimination of inflammatory substances. This type of intervention is very effective, for example in epicondylitis and plantar fasciitis.
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