
Curriculum vitae


Sara Scova

Osteopathy is a manual therapy that looks at the whole of the person and not at the single part that accuses the disorder.It has the purpose of correcting the imbalance created following the painful symptom thus restoring harmony and rebalancing of tensions. Identifies the areas in dysfunction and restores the normal functioning of the organism through the stimulation of recovery and self-healing abilities.

  • Musculoskeletal system disorders 

  • Cranial and neurovegetative system disorders 

  • Digestive system disorders 

  • Circulatory system disorders 

  • ENT disorders




Many people suffer from head symptoms while complaining of a feeling of heaviness in the head. Some headaches are of an unknown nature, many are related to disorders of the spine, neck muscles, digestive problems or, in women, the menstrual cycle.


Migraines fall into the headache family and are characterized by the fact that symptoms mainly affect one side of the head. Pain is often throbbing, aggravates with physical activity and is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and photophobia.

Lumbar spine and pelvis

Gastrointestinal, urological, gynecological and andrological disorders can generate symptoms in the lumbar and pelvic area but also interfere with the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Chest, lower back and pelvis are places of reported pain: correct differential diagnosis by the doctor is essential. In the long term and if there are no contraindications, the treatment of visceral systems contributes to improving the results in case of lumbopelvic disorders.

Rib cage

It has the function of containing and protecting the vital organs of our body. It can be irritated by esophageal disorders (such as reflux), lose mobility after pleural / pulmonary pathologies or be affected by the health of organs under diaphragmatic (such as liver and stomach). A good functioning of the rib cage is fundamental for the work of the diaphragm muscle and the mobility of the organs.