Orthopedics Medical Legal Advice

Curriculum vitae


Giuseppe Tedesco

Dr. Giuseppe Tedesco is from 2016 specialist in orthopedics and traumatology and deals with surgery of the spine.

Medical Director in the Vertebral surgery with a prevalent Oncological and Degenerative address of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute. 

They are also able to provide Medical Legal Consultations aimed at quantifying temporary and / or permanent damage as a result of accidents or road accidents.


Degenerative pathologies of the spine

Degenerative pathologies of the spine (herniated disc; degenerative discopathy, spinal stenosis, degenerative scoliosis of the adult).

Oncological pathologies of the spine

Oncological pathologies of the spine (primary tumors, metastases, pathological fractures).

Vertebral trauma

Vertebral trauma (osteoporosis and traumatic fractures).

Spine deformity

Spinal deformities (scoliosis, kyphosis, spondiololisthesis).