Curriculum vitae

Mirco Lo Presti

Working experience
  • From 03.06.2014 he was hired as "Orthopedics and Traumatology Medical Director" for the permanent position of a post of Orthopedics and Traumatology Medical Director at the II Orthopedic Clinic and the Nabi laboratory (nano Biotechnology) Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute.
  • From 03.01.2011 to 03.06.2014 he was hired on a fixed-term contract (lasting three years) as Medical Director of Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Nabi- Tecnopolo Laboratory University of Bologna.
  • From 22.03.2006 to 31.09.2011 he entered into a freelance contract with the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute where he carried out assistance and research activities at the Orthopedic and Traumatology Clinic II ° (ex III ° and ex IX ° Division and ex Traumatology of Direct Sport by Prof. Maurilio Marcacci), and research activity at the Biomechanics laboratory directed by Prof. M. Marcacci.
  • He attended the VI division I.O.R. of the University of Bologna, directed by Prof. P.G. Marchetti, from 1st January 1999 to 17th October 2000.
  • He attended the VI division I.O.R., then Department of Sports Traumatology, (from May 2002) of the University of Bologna, directed by Prof. P.G. Marchetti and later by Prof. M. Marcacci, from 1 April 2001 to 03 November 2005.
  • He has participated, as assistant operator, in over 2600 orthopedic and traumatology surgeries, and has performed over 1500 surgery and orthopedics and traumatology surgeries, covering the role of first operator.
Name and address of employer: I.O.R. Bologna Via di Barbiano n.1 / 10 Bologna.
Type of business or sector: Department of Orthopedics and Sports Traumatology- IXth Division -II Orthopedic Clinic- II Orthopedic Clinic-Nabi Laboratory
Type of job: Hiring, as Medical Director of Orthopedics and Traumatology, for an indefinite period at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute, at the II Clinic currently directed by Prof. Stefano Zaffagnini.
Main duties and responsibilities: Hospital assistance and research activity at the Biomechanics Laboratory - Nabi Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute Bologna.

Education and training
  • Specialization in Orthopedics and Traumatology from 2000-2005. He graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bologna on 02.24.2000, with 110 out of 110 points and honors, discussing an orthopedic thesis entitled: "The treatment of chronic patella instabilities by technique Trillat's modified surgical procedure: clinical review of the cases treated ". Supervisor Prof. Pier Giorgio Marchetti.
  • He obtained the qualification for the exercise of the medical and surgical profession at the University of Bologna, passing the exam for qualification for the medical profession in the second session of the year 2000 with a 110/110 cum laude vote.
  • He graduated in Orthopedics and Traumatology on 03 November 2005 with a 70/70 honors mark at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes, University of Bologna, discussing the thesis "Reconstruction of the L.C.A. with tendons of the semitendinosus and gracilis muscles using a single or double beam technique: comparative prospective analysis with a minimum follow-up of 3 years "Supervisor Prof. Maurilio Marcacci.
  • He obtained a PhD in the disciplines of motor and sport activities (21st cycle) of the PhD school of biological, biomedical and biotechnological sciences of the University of Bologna, on 18.06.2009 presenting a thesis entitled "Effectiveness of treatment with concentrates" platelets (PRP) in chondral lesions and tendinopathies ".
  • He won a scholarship announced by SIGASCOT-GOTS 2008 by participating in a traveling Fellowship at German and Austrian orthopedic university centers and polyclinics from 05 October 2008 to 16 October 2008 (Arcusc Sportklinik Pforzeim Prof R. Schmidt-Wiethoff; Klinikum Osnabruck Dr. Engelhardt ; Klinik Orthopedie und Traumatologie Hamburg Dr. Kirstin Richter; Klinik Annastift Hannover Prof Christian Siebert ,; Sportklinik Dr. Karl-Heinz Kristen Vienna. (Annex I)
  • From November 2007 to October 2008 he participated in the ISO 9001 certification of the Biomechanical laboratory - IX Division collaborating with the quality representatives and the personnel involved in the design, administrative and reporting processes of projects and research studies and in the monitoring of related flows and related timing.
  • He also participated in the meetings and in the drafting of operating procedures and instructions, gaining experience in the field of quality and accreditation of healthcare facilities.
  • He is registered with the Italian S.I.A. since 2005 (Italian Society of Arthroscopy)
  • He is registered with the Italian company S.I.O.T. since 2007 (Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology)
  • He is registered with the Italian company S.I.G.A.S.C.O.T. since 2008 (Italian Society of Knee Arthroscopy, Sport Cartilage and Orthopedic Technologies)
  • He participated, as co-supervisor, in the writing of the thesis, for the degree course in Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bologna, entitled "Single-compartment prosthesis with focal coating Maior: nursing care in the perioperative period".
  • He participated, as co-supervisor, in the drafting of the thesis, for the degree course in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, faculty of motor sciences at the University of Bologna, entitled "Rehabilitation treatment after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery".
  • He participated, as co-supervisor, in the drafting of the thesis, for the degree course in Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bologna, entitled "Single-compartment knee replacement prosthesis Maior: clinical revaluation at an average follow-up of 7 years".
  • He received a teaching assignment for the II level University Master at the Policlinico Gemelli Orthopedic Clinic University of Rome, for the development of the topic "Treatment of degenerative knee disease: surface arthroplasty".
  • He received a teaching assignment for the regional program (Emilia Romagna) for the continuous training of Healthcare professionals at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute in Bologna, in the course "Orthopedic patient assistance: the correct management of trans-skeletal tractions", organized by the Orthopedic Institute Rizzoli Bologna period December 2010.
  • He was appointed teacher for the regional program (Emilia Romagna) for the continuous training of Healthcare professionals at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute in Bologna, for the development of the topic "New surgical techniques in the field of knee pathology" organized by the Institute Orthopedic Rizzoli Bologna period December 2015
  • He is part of the Editorial Board of the international scientific journal "Journal of Orthopedics and Rheumatology"
  • He participated in the European Project "Creation of Technopole" RIT research, Innovation and Technology POF FESR 2007-2013.
  • He is a contract professor at the University of Bologna for the School of Medicine and Surgery degree course in "Orthopedic Techniques" academic year 2016/2017 and 2017/2018
  • He is qualified to the function of 2nd level university professor having won the D.D. 1532/2016 competition sector 06 / F4 diseases of the musculoskeletal system and physical and rehabilitation medicine.
  • Registered in the register of surgeons of Forlì Cesena since 09/01/2001 n. 4206
  • Specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology since November 2005
  • He has been a doctor of the Forli 'and Forlimpopoli basketball team (G. Scirea and Artusiana Basket) since 2004 on a professional level.
  • He is medical director of the study group of kinematics and assisted navigation both in the prosthetic and in the reconstructive field l.c.a. at the IOR Rizzoli biomechanics laboratory.
  • Follows the project for the application of growth factors in orthopedics for tendon, cartilage and muscle injuries in collaboration with the Rizzoli transfusion center in Bologna and the ultrasound imaging center of the same institute.

Participation in national and international conferences

1. He attended the congress held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on June 20, 2000 entitled ". Revision surgery in Profix knee prostheses ”with the presence of Dr. L. Whiteside

2. Participated in the conference held in Pietra Ligure at Santa Corona Hospital on January 31, 2001 entitled "Meeting on Planning and Operational Technique".
3. Attended the 123rd S.E.R.T.O.T. held in Riccione at the Hospital Infermi on May 25-26
4. He participated in the congress held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on July 13, 2001 entitled "Knee Prosthesis UNI Technique Mini-Invasive Surgery"

5. Participated in the congress held in Courmayeur from 6 to 11 January entitled "Advanced course of Arthroscopy"
6. He participated in the Symposium of the International Society for fracture Repair held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes from 16 to 18 May 2002 entitled "Fracture Treatment in Elderly and Osteoporotic Patients"
7. Participated in the Workshop held in Bologna on 27 September 2002 entitled "A new clinical technology for cartilage regeneration"
8. For the participation in the congress held in Bologna on 27 September 2002 entitled "A new clinical technology for cartilage regeneration" 5 E.C.M.
9. Participated in the Third National Congress of SIAMOC: Italian Society of Movement Analysis in the Clinic held in Bologna on 13-15 October 2002 at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes
10. Participated in the 87th S.I.O.T. 2002 held in Venice on 20-24 October entitled "Degenerative arthropathies: certainties, perspectives and hopes"
11. He participated in the conference GIB-VIII ° SIB day held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 08-9 November 2002 entitled "The clinical expectations of research and development of biomaterials"
12. He took part in the first refresher course on prosthetic surgery of the lower limb: hip, knee, tibial tarsal, foot, held in Bologna on 16-20 December 2002 at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes.

13. Participated in the conference held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes entitled "Pain Management Corse Module II"
14. He attended the Update Meeting in Orthopedics held in Cravilla di Mulazzo on 13.02.2003 held by Prof. A. Faldini
15. Participated in the XVIII theoretical and practical course of arthroscopic surgery held in Bologna on 24-28 February 2003 entitled "XIII workshop on total knee and shoulder prostheses"
16. Participated in the Exxplora virtual arthroscopy course held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute from 24-28 March 2003
17. Participated in the 2nd GIRC National Congress held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 20-21 June 2003
18. Participated in the 3rd Lauretana day of knee surgery held in Camerino (MC) 11 July 2003 entitled "the meniscus today"
19. He obtained for the participation in the congress held in Camerino (MC) 11 July 2003 entitled "the meniscus today" 5 credits E.C.M.
20. He participated in the national program for continuous training for Healthcare workers held in Forlì on 20 September 2003 entitled "Arthro high-tech training project", obtaining 2 E.C.M.
21. He attended the congress held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 26-27 September entitled "Knee arthroplasty"
22. He participated in the 2nd annual refresher course on prosthetic surgery of the lower limb "Hip, knee, ankle and ankle joint" held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 15-19 December 2003

23. He participated in the course held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 23-27 February 2004 entitled "Muscle-Skeletal Pathology" directed by Prof. Mercuri, Prof. Bertoni, Prof Picci, Prof. Enneking and Prof. Springfield
24. He obtained the certificate for attendance at the course held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 23-27 February 2004 entitled "Muscle-Skeletal Pathology" directed by Prof. Mercuri, Prof. Bertoni, Prof Picci, Prof. Enneking and Prof. Springfield
25. He attended the 5th International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) Symposium held in Gent (Belgium) from 26-29 May 2004
26. He participated in the course held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on July 14, 2004 entitled "Two techniques compared for the reconstruction of the ACL ligament with double bundle"
27. He attended the meeting held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on September 21, 2004 entitled "State of the art and new trend in TKR" with the presence of Prof. C.S. Ranawat
28. Participated in the course of anatomy and surgical and arthroscopic technique of the knee which was held in Nice from 08 to 09 October 2004
29. He attended the 9th conference of the International Society for fracture repair held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 02-06 November 2004
30. Participated in the theoretical-practical training course on intraarticular infiltrative technique held in Bologna at Ospedale Maggiore on 06 November 2004
31. He participated in the 2nd Bolognese Legal Medical Conference held in Bologna at the INPS headquarters on 25-26 November 2004 entitled "Interdisciplinary medico-legal projections. From illness to disability, from rehabilitation to readaptation of the worker "
32. Participated in the Master's degree in technical-surgical skills entitled "Theoretical and practical course on the corpse" held in Paris on 02-04 December 2004
33. He participated in the third annual refresher course on prosthetic surgery of the lower limb "Hip, knee, ankle and ankle joint" held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 13-16 December 2004.

34. Participated in the course held at the "Pierangeli" nursing home in Pescara 08 January 2005 entitled "Live surgery arthroscopic knee surgery"
35. He attended the 5th monthly meeting on translational research held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 22 January 2005 entitled "Computer-assisted Orthopedic Surgery"
36. He participated, as a speaker, in the 10th national congress of orthopedics and traumatology students held in Parma on 11.02.2005, presenting a report entitled "Reconstruction L.C.A. with semitendinosus and gracilis tendons using a single tunnel versus double tunnel technique: a prospective randomized comparative study following a 3-year follow-up "
37. Participated in the XIV ° congress "International on Sports rehabilitation and Traumatology" held in Bologna on 09-10 April 2005
38. Participated in the 17th national congress S.I.A. held in Catania on 23-26 May 2005.
39. He obtained for participation in the 17th national congress S.I.A. 27 training credits (E.C.M.) held in Catania on 23-26 May 2005
40. He participated, as a speaker, at the congress held in Milan on 10-06-2005 entitled the prevention of sport, presenting a report entitled "the prevention of tendon injuries"
41. He participated in the congress Prosthetic reconstructive surgery, held in Bologna 11.06.2005 at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes, obtaining 4 training credits (E.C.M.)
42. He participated in the practical theoretical Master on corpse, on technical surgical skills, organized by the S.I.A. and held in Paris from 16 to 18 June 2005 entitled "Arthroscopic and Prosthetic Surgery"
43. Participated in the YSOS international meeting "Young scientists and Orthopedic Surgeons" clubs of ICRS, held at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 01 July 2005
44. He participated, as a speaker, in the 90th National Congress of the Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology held in Florence from 09-13 October 2005
45. He participated in the 5th meeting held at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 22 October 2005 entitled "Computer-assisted orthopedic surgery"
46. ​​He participated, as a speaker, in the refresher course entitled "shoulder degenerative pathology" held in Messina on 09 December 2005
47. He participated in the IV annual refresher course on prosthetic surgery of the lower limb "Hip, knee, ankle and ankle joint" held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes from 12 to 15 December 2005.
48. He participated in the conference held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 15-16 December 2005 entitled "The shoulder: ultrasound, integrated imaging and clinical-surgical problems".

49. He participated in the congress held in Bologna on 18 January 2006 entitled "Bone regeneration with innovative biomaterials, bioengineered and not", obtaining 15 E.C.M.
50. He participated in the conference held in Forlì on 18 February 2006 entitled "Traumatology and rehabilitation of the basketball athlete", obtaining 5 E.C.M. training credits
51. He participated in the III update course on knee prostheses held in Rome 11-12 April 2006
52. He received 9 training credits (E.C.M.) for participation in the III ° refresher course on knee prostheses held in Rome 11-12 April 2006
53. He participated, as a speaker, in the conference held in Messina on 29 April 2006 entitled "Shoulder and knee instability: surgery and rehabilitation and return to sport", presenting a report entitled "Stability of the knee".
54. He obtained for the participation in the conference held in Messina on April 29, 2006 entitled "Shoulder and knee instability: surgery and rehabilitation and return to sport", number 5 E.C.M.
55. He participated in the 6th translational research meeting held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 20 May 2006, presenting a report entitled "Computer-assisted knee revision of arthroplasty".
56. He attended the conference held in Bologna on May 25, 2006 entitled "The minimally invasive front access way (AMIS)".
57. He participated in the VIII Congress of the Italian research society in orthopedics and traumatology, held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 07 June entitled "New perspectives of research in orthopedics"
58. He received 6 training credits for the participation in the VIII Congress of the Italian Research Society in Orthopedics and Traumatology, held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 07 June, entitled "New perspectives of research in orthopedics".
59. E.C.M.
60. Participated in the 16th International Congress of European Orthopedic Research (EORS), held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 06-07 June 2006
61. He participated, as a speaker, in the 6th refresher course and emergencies in rheumatology held in Porretta Terme on 08-09- June 2006 entitled "Crystal arthropathy: new views on clinical and pathogenetic progress"
62. He participated, as a speaker, at the 1st SIGASCOT national congress held in Bologna at the Palazzo dei Congressi, 04-06 October 2006
63. He obtained 16 E.C.M. training credits for participation in the 1st SIGASCOT National Congress held in Bologna at Palazzo dei Congressi on 04-06 October 2006.
64. He participated in the master's reading "Arthroscopy of the hip" by Prof. R. Buly, held at the Orthopedic and Traumatology Clinic of Modena on 26 October 2006
65. Participated in the 91st National Congress of the Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology held in Rome from 12 to 16 November 2006
66. He obtained for the participation in the 91st National Congress of the Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology, 1st day, held in Rome from 12 to 16 November 2006, on 12 November 2006 "number 2 E.C.M.
67. He obtained for the participation in the 91st National Congress of the Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology, 2nd day, held in Rome from 12 to 16 November 2006, on November 13, 2006 "number 7 credits E.C.M.
68. He obtained for the participation in the 91st National Congress of the Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology, 3rd day, held in Rome from 12 to 16 November 2006, in
69. date 14 November 2006 "number 7 E.C.M.
70. He obtained for the participation in the 91st National Congress of the Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology, 4th day, held in Rome from 12 to 16 November 2006, on November 15, 2006 "number 5 E.C.M.
71. He participated in the 3rd translational research meeting held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on November 25, 2006, entitled "Prosthetic Reconstructive Surgery".

72. He attended the course entitled "knee prosthesis" by Prof. Pellacci held in Bologna at Hotel Savoia on 19 February 2007
73. He obtained for the participation in the course entitled "the knee prosthesis" of Prof. Pellacci held in Bologna at Hotel Savoia on 19 February 2007 number 9 E.C.M.
74. Participated in the 18th national S.I.A. held on 08-09 March 2007 at Forum Guido Monzani Modena
75. He participated, as a speaker, in the course held in Castel S. Pietro Terme (Bologna) on 14-15 April 2007 entitled "Orthopedic pathologies in the doctor's office of the General Practitioner"
76. He participated, as a speaker, in the XXII theoretical and practical course of arthroscopic surgery held in Bologna on 26-29 June 2007, presenting a report entitled "Reconstruction of the double-beam ACL: prospective randomized study at 4 years"
77. Participated in the 92nd National Congress of the Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology held in Bologna from 11 to 15 November 2007
78. He participated, as a speaker, in the 3rd International Congress of Arthroscopy of the company Bulgaria held in Varna- Bulgaria from 14 to 17 November 2007 presenting 2 reports entitled "Reconstruction of ACL with Marcacci technique" and "Autologous cartilage repair"
79. He participated, as a speaker, in the 6th translational research meeting held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 27 October 2007, presenting a report entitled "Are there aseptic mobilizations in arthroplasties?"
80. He participated, as a speaker, in the 6th translational research meeting held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 27 October 2007, presenting a report entitled "Focal knee prosthesis in arthroscopy"
81. Participated in the 6th annual refresher course on prosthetic lower limb surgery "Hip, knee, ankle and ankle joint" held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 17-19 December 2007

82. He participated in the VIII National Congress of S.I.C.O.O.P., an Italian company of orthopedic surgeons in a private hospital, entitled "rheumatic arthropathy surgical treatment" held at Hotel Real Fini in Modena 25-26 January 2008
83. He participated in the 17th International Congress on sport rehabilitation and traumatology, held at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Bologna on 19-20 April 2008 entitled "Sports and surgical orthopedic rehabilitation: post-operative protocols".
84. He participated in the 1st theoretical and practical course on "Treatment of arthrosis of the knee" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 22-23 May 2008
85. He obtained for the participation in the theoretical and practical course on "Treatment of arthrosis of the knee" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 22-23 May 2008 number 15 E.C.M.
86. Participated in the conference "The Knee of the Third Millennium: New Technologies and Biomaterials" held at the Grand Hotel in Rimini 5-6 September 2008
87. Participated in the 2nd edition of the theoretical and practical course on "Treatment of degenerative shoulder and elbow pathology" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 22-23 September 2008
88. He obtained for participation in the theoretical and practical course on "Treatment of degenerative pathology of the shoulder and elbow" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 22-23 September 2008, number 13 E.C.M.
89. Participated in the 1st International Summer school course "Image-assisted surgery for arthroplasty of the lower limbs" at Villa Medicea "La Ferdinanda" in the Borgo di Artimino (Carmignano, PO) from 24-27 September 2008
90. He participated, as a speaker, in the congress "The tendon Patella" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on September 27, 2008, presenting a report entitled "Malformations of the knee extensor system in adults"
91. Participated in the 2nd SIGASCOT National Congress held at Sheraton Nicolaus Hotel Bari from 09-11 October 2008
92. He won a scholarship announced by SIGASCOT-GOTS 2008 "by participating in the traveling Fellowship at German and Austrian orthopedic university centers from 05 October 2008 to 18 October 2008
93. He obtained, on 06/11/2008, for participation in the course on "Computer-assisted knee arthroplasty" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute from 07/01/2008 to 30/06/2008 number 10 ECM training credits
94. He participated in the 93rd SIOT National Congress entitled "The contribution of Italian research and technology to the progress of orthopedics" held in Rome from 23 to 27 November 2008
95. He obtained for the participation, for the first day, in the 93rd SIOT National Congress entitled "The contribution of Italian research and technologies to the progress of orthopedics", 1st day, held in Rome from 23 to 27 November 2008 number 6 ECM training credits
96. He obtained for the participation, for the second day, in the 93rd SIOT National Congress entitled "The contribution of Italian research and technologies to the progress of orthopedics", 2nd day, held in Rome from 23 to 27 November 2008 number 6 ECM training credits
97. Participated in the conference "Current events in musculoskeletal pathology: ultrasound-guided therapies" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on December 12, 2008
98. He participated, as speaker, in the congress "Il tendine Patuleo" held in Bergamo at the "Verdi" classroom Airport Hotel-Bagnatica, presenting a report entitled "Malformations of the extensor system of the knee in adults" on December 13th 2008.

99. He participated in the training day held in Bologna at the "Codivilla-Putti" auditorium of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on March 27, 2009, entitled "Surveillance, surveillance and replacement of prostheses in the orthopedic field"
100. He participated as co-supervisor in the writing of the thesis, for the degree course in Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bologna, entitled "Single-compartment prosthesis with focal coating Maior: nursing care in the perioperative period"
101. Participated in the Symposium "Innovation in Orthopedic Surgery: multidisciplinary approach" held in Bologna Savoia Hotel Regency, on April 21, 2009.
102. He took part in the refresher course "News on the subject of osteochondral and meniscal regeneration" held in Bologna at the "Campanacci" room of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute, on April 24, 2009.
103. He participated in the XVIII International Congress on Sport Rehabilitation and Traumatology, held at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Bologna on 25-26 April 2009 entitled "Knee Cartilage: strategies for treatment of sports patients from trauma to osteoarthritis".
104. Participated in the FIFA Workshop "Injury prevention in soccer" held in Bologna at the Congress Center on April 26, 2009.
105. He obtained the participation in the XVIII Congress of Traumatology and Sports Rehabilitation "Knee Cartilage: treatment strategies in sports patients from trauma to osteoarthritis" held in Bologna Isokinetic At Palazzo dei Congressi on 25-26 April 2009, issue 8 ECM training credits
106. He has participated, as a teacher, with the assignment of teaching, to the 2nd level University Master "The treatment of degenerative knee disease" holding a lesson entitled "Surface arthroplasty" on May 14, 2009
107. He has obtained for the participation in the Congress "Biomechanical analysis of the behavior of knee prosthesis implants by means of an intra-operative navigator" organized by the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and held in Bologna on 07 May 2009, number 10 E.C.M training credits
108. He obtained for the participation in the Congress "Analysis of anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions different and long follow up with radiological methods" organized by Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and held in Bologna on May 25, 2009, number 10 E.C.M training credits
109. He obtained for the participation in the Congress "Assessment of the Major" organized by the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and held in Bologna on May 25, 2009, number 5 E.C.M training credits
110. He obtained for the participation in the Congress "Intra-operative analysis of different types of reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament with navigator" organized by the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and held in Bologna on 25 May 2009, number 8 E.C.M training credits
111. He took part in the refresher course "News in Arthroscopic Surgery" held in Bologna on 08 June 2009.
112. He received, for participation in the refresher course "News in arthroscopic surgery" held in San Lazzaro di Savena on 08 June 2009, number 9 E.C.M.
113. He participated in the Company Training Plan held at the "Codivilla-Putti" research center of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute, entitled "Research materials" on October 27, 2009
114. He participated, as a speaker, in the congress held at Star-hotel Excelsior Bologna "Use and management of motorized systems in cranio-cervical facial surgery and orthopedic surgery" with a report entitled "Use of motors in orthopedic surgery" on 02 November 2009.
115. For the participation in the refresher course "Presentation of the company procedure on the treatment of post-operative pain" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on November 11, 2009, he received 3 E.C.M. training credits.
116. He participated in the conference of Regenerative Medicine 5th meeting by presenting a report entitled "First observations about the use of PRP in the treatment of patellar and Achilles tendinopathies with the help of the ultrasound guide" held at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute in date November 14, 2009
117. He participated in the conference "Inflammation of musculoskeletal tissues" held at the "Codivilla Putti" hall of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 11 December 2009
118. He received, for participation in the conference "Inflammation of musculoskeletal tissues" held in the main hall of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 11 December 2009, number 4 E.C.M.
119. He participated in the VIII annual refresher course on "Articular reconstructive surgery of the lower limb hip, knee, tarsal and foot" held in Bologna at the "Campanacci room" of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute from 14 to 16 December 2009.
120. He obtained, for participation in the "Carpal tunnel syndrome management" self-training activity organized by Aretrè srl, number 4 E.C.M. for the year 2009
121. Participated in the 94th SIOT National Congress entitled "The Revision of Prostheses. The extremes of the problem. The mini-invasiveness in orthopedics and traumatology "held in Milan from 07 to 11 November 2009
122. He participated in the Live Surgery "Innovative biomimetic Scaffold for osteochondral regeneration" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on December 18, 2009

123. He took part in the "Foot tendinopathy in sport" course held in Bologna at the Codivilla Putti congress center of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute, on March 26-27, 2010.
124. Participated in the 19th International Congress on Sports Rehabilitation and Traumatology, held at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Bologna on 10-11 April 2010 entitled "Functional Outcome: optimizing funtional outcome in othopaedics and sports traumatology".
125. He participated in the European Federation of National Associations of OrtWorking experience
  • From 03.06.2014 he was hired as "Medical Director of Orthopedics and Traumatology" for the permanent position of a post of Medical Director of Orthopedics and Traumatology at the II Orthopedic Clinic and the Nabi laboratory (nano Biotechnology) Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute.
  • 03.01.2011 to 03.06.2014 he was hired for a fixed term (lasting three years) as Medical Director of Orthopedics and Traumatology c / o Laboratory Nabi- Tecnopolo University of Bologna.
  • From 22.03.2006 to 31.09.2011 he entered into a contract freelancer with the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute where he carried out assistance and research at the Orthopedic and Traumatology Clinic II ° (ex III ° and ex IX ° Division and ex Traumatology of Sport directed by Prof. Maurilio Marcacci), and research activities at the Biomechanics laboratory directed by Prof. M. Marcacci.
  • He attended, as a student, the VI IOR division of the University of Bologna, directed by Prof. P.G. Marchetti, from January 1, 1999 to October 17, 2000.
  • He attended the VI IOR division, then Traumatology Department of Sport, (from May 2002) of the University of Bologna, as a Specializing Physician, directed by Prof. PG Marchetti and later by Prof. M. Marcacci, from 1 April 2001 to 03 November 2005.
  • He participated, as assistant operator, in over 2600 orthopedic surgery and traumatology operations, and has performed over 1500 surgery and orthopedics and traumatology operations the role of first operator.
Name and address of employer: I.O.R. Bologna Via di Barbiano n.1 / 10 Bologna.
Type of business or sector: Department of Orthopedics and Sports Traumatology- IXth Division -II Orthopedic Clinic- II Orthopedic Clinic-Nabi Laboratory
Type of job: Hiring, as Medical Director of Orthopedics and Traumatology, for an indefinite period at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute, at the II Clinic currently directed by Prof. Stefano Zaffagnini.
Main duties and responsibilities: Hospital assistance and research activity at the Biomechanics Laboratory - Nabi Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute Bologna.

Education and training
  • Specialization in Orthopedics and Traumatology from 2000-2005. He graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bologna on 02.24.2000, with 110 out of 110 points and honors, discussing an orthopedic thesis entitled: "The treatment of chronic patella instabilities by technique Trillat's modified surgical procedure: clinical review of the cases treated ".
  • Supervisor Prof. Pier Giorgio Marchetti. He obtained the qualification for the exercise of the medical and surgical profession at the University of Bologna, passing the exam for qualification for the medical profession in the second session of the year 2000 with a 110/110 cum laude vote.
  • He graduated in Orthopedics and Traumatology on 03 November 2005 with a 70/70 honors mark at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes, University of Bologna, discussing the thesis "Reconstruction of the L.C.A. with tendons of the semitendinosus and gracilis muscles using a single or double beam technique: comparative prospective analysis with a minimum follow-up of 3 years "Supervisor Prof. Maurilio Marcacci.
  • He holds a PhD in the disciplines of motor and sports activities (XXI ° cycle) of the PhD school of biological, biomedical and biotechnological sciences of the University of Bologna, on 18.06.2009 presenting thesis entitled "Effectiveness of treatment with platelet concentrates (PRP) in chondral lesions and tendinopathies".
  • He won a scholarship announced by SIGASCOT-GOTS 2008 by participating in a traveling Fellowship at German and Austrian orthopedic university centers and polyclinics from 05 October 2008 to 16 October 2008 (Arcusc Sportklinik Pforzeim Prof R. Schmidt-Wiethoff; Klinikum Osnabruck Dr. Engelhardt ; Klinik Orthopedie und Traumatologie Hamburg Dr. Kirstin Richter; Klinik Annastift Hannover Prof Christian Siebert ;; Sportklinik Dr. Karl-Heinz Kristen Vienna. (Annex I)
  • From November 2007 to October 2008 he participated in the ISO 9001 certification of the Biomechanical laboratory - IX Division by collaborating with the quality representatives and the personnel involved in the planning, administrative and reporting processes of the projects and research studies and in monitoring the related flows and the timing related to them.
  • He also participated in the meetings and drafting of operating procedures and instructions, gaining experience in the field of quality and accreditation of healthcare facilities.
  • He is registered with the Italian S.I.A. since 2005 (Italian Society of Arthroscopy)
    He is registered with the Italian company S.I.O.T. since 2007 (Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology)
    He is registered with the Italian company S.I.G.A.S.C.O.T. since 2008 (Italian Society of Knee Arthroscopy, Sport Cartilage and Orthopedic Technologies)
    He participated, as co-supervisor, in the writing of the thesis, for the degree course in Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bologna, entitled "Single-compartment prosthesis with focal coating Maior: nursing care in the perioperative period".
    He participated, as co-supervisor, in the drafting of the thesis, for the degree course in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, faculty of motor sciences at the University of Bologna, entitled "Rehabilitation treatment after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery".
    He participated, as co-supervisor, in the drafting of the thesis, for the degree course in Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bologna, entitled "Single-compartment knee replacement prosthesis Maior: clinical revaluation at an average follow-up of 7 years".
    He received a teaching assignment for the II level University Master at the Policlinico Gemelli Orthopedic Clinic University of Rome, for the development of the topic "Treatment of degenerative knee disease: surface arthroplasty".
    He received a teaching assignment for the regional program (Emilia Romagna) for the continuous training of Healthcare professionals at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute in Bologna, in the course "Orthopedic patient assistance: the correct management of trans-skeletal tractions", organized by the Orthopedic Institute Rizzoli Bologna period December 2010.
    He was appointed teacher for the regional program (Emilia Romagna) for the continuous training of Healthcare professionals at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute in Bologna, for the development of the topic "New surgical techniques in the field of knee pathology" organized by the Institute Orthopedic Rizzoli Bologna period December 2015
    He is part of the Editorial Board of the international scientific journal "Journal of Orthopedics and Rheumatology"
    He participated in the European Project "Creation of Technopole" RIT research, Innovation and Technology POF FESR 2007-2013.
    He is a contract professor at the University of Bologna for the School of Medicine and Surgery degree course in "Orthopedic Techniques" academic year 2016/2017 and 2017/2018
    He is qualified to the function of 2nd level university professor having won the D.D. 1532/2016 competition sector 06 / F4 diseases of the musculoskeletal system and physical and rehabilitation medicine.
    Registered in the register of surgeons of Forlì Cesena since 09/01/2001 n. 4206
    Specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology since November 2005
    He has been a doctor of the Forli 'and Forlimpopoli basketball team (G. Scirea and Artusiana Basket) since 2004 on a professional level.
    He is medical director of the study group of kinematics and assisted navigation both in the prosthetic and in the reconstructive field l.c.a. at the IOR Rizzoli biomechanics laboratory.
    Follows the project for the application of growth factors in orthopedics for tendon, cartilage and muscle injuries in collaboration with the Rizzoli transfusion center in Bologna and the ultrasound imaging center of the same institute.

Participation in national and international conferences

1. He attended the congress held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on June 20, 2000 entitled ". Revision surgery in Profix knee prostheses ”with the presence of Dr. L. Whiteside

2. Participated in the conference held in Pietra Ligure at Santa Corona Hospital on January 31, 2001 entitled "Meeting on Planning and Operational Technique".
3. Attended the 123rd S.E.R.T.O.T. held in Riccione at the Hospital Infermi on May 25-26
4. He participated in the congress held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on July 13, 2001 entitled "Knee Prosthesis UNI Technique Mini-Invasive Surgery"

5. Participated in the congress held in Courmayeur from 6 to 11 January entitled "Advanced course of Arthroscopy"
6. He participated in the Symposium of the International Society for fracture Repair held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes from 16 to 18 May 2002 entitled "Fracture Treatment in Elderly and Osteoporotic Patients"
7. Participated in the Workshop held in Bologna on 27 September 2002 entitled "A new clinical technology for cartilage regeneration"
8. For the participation in the congress held in Bologna on 27 September 2002 entitled "A new clinical technology for cartilage regeneration" 5 E.C.M.
9. Participated in the Third National Congress of SIAMOC: Italian Society of Movement Analysis in the Clinic held in Bologna on 13-15 October 2002 at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes
10. Participated in the 87th S.I.O.T. 2002 held in Venice on 20-24 October entitled "Degenerative arthropathies: certainties, perspectives and hopes"
11. He participated in the conference GIB-VIII ° SIB day held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 08-9 November 2002 entitled "The clinical expectations of research and development of biomaterials"
12. He took part in the first refresher course on prosthetic surgery of the lower limb: hip, knee, tibial tarsal, foot, held in Bologna on 16-20 December 2002 at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes.

13. Participated in the conference held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes entitled "Pain Management Corse Module II"
14. He attended the Update Meeting in Orthopedics held in Cravilla di Mulazzo on 13.02.2003 held by Prof. A. Faldini
15. Participated in the XVIII theoretical and practical course of arthroscopic surgery held in Bologna on 24-28 February 2003 entitled "XIII workshop on total knee and shoulder prostheses"
16. Participated in the Exxplora virtual arthroscopy course held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute from 24-28 March 2003
17. Participated in the 2nd GIRC National Congress held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 20-21 June 2003
18. Participated in the 3rd Lauretana day of knee surgery held in Camerino (MC) 11 July 2003 entitled "the meniscus today"
19. He obtained for the participation in the congress held in Camerino (MC) 11 July 2003 entitled "the meniscus today" 5 credits E.C.M.
20. He participated in the national program for continuous training for Healthcare workers held in Forlì on 20 September 2003 entitled "Arthro high-tech training project", obtaining 2 E.C.M.
21. He attended the congress held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 26-27 September entitled "Knee arthroplasty"
22. He participated in the 2nd annual refresher course on prosthetic surgery of the lower limb "Hip, knee, ankle and ankle joint" held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 15-19 December 2003

23. He participated in the course held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 23-27 February 2004 entitled "Muscle-Skeletal Pathology" directed by Prof. Mercuri, Prof. Bertoni, Prof Picci, Prof. Enneking and Prof. Springfield
24. He obtained the certificate for attendance at the course held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 23-27 February 2004 entitled "Muscle-Skeletal Pathology" directed by Prof. Mercuri, Prof. Bertoni, Prof Picci, Prof. Enneking and Prof. Springfield
25. He attended the 5th International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) Symposium held in Gent (Belgium) from 26-29 May 2004
26. He participated in the course held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on July 14, 2004 entitled "Two techniques compared for the reconstruction of the ACL ligament with double bundle"
27. He attended the meeting held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on September 21, 2004 entitled "State of the art and new trend in TKR" with the presence of Prof. C.S. Ranawat
28. Participated in the anatomy course and you

34. Participated in the course held at the "Pierangeli" nursing home in Pescara 08 January 2005 entitled "Live surgery arthroscopic knee surgery"
35. He attended the 5th monthly meeting on translational research held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 22 January 2005 entitled "Computer-assisted Orthopedic Surgery"
36. He participated, as a speaker, in the 10th national congress of orthopedics and traumatology students held in Parma on 11.02.2005, presenting a report entitled "Reconstruction L.C.A. with semitendinosus and gracilis tendons using a single tunnel versus double tunnel technique: a prospective randomized comparative study following a 3-year follow-up "
37. Participated in the XIV ° congress "International on Sports rehabilitation and Traumatology" held in Bologna on 09-10 April 2005
38. Participated in the 17th national congress S.I.A. held in Catania on 23-26 May 2005.
39. He obtained for participation in the 17th national congress S.I.A. 27 training credits (E.C.M.) held in Catania on 23-26 May 2005
40. He participated, as a speaker, at the congress held in Milan on 10-06-2005 entitled the prevention of sport, presenting a report entitled "the prevention of tendon injuries"
41. He participated in the congress Prosthetic reconstructive surgery, held in Bologna 11.06.2005 at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes, obtaining 4 training credits (E.C.M.)
42. He participated in the practical theoretical Master on corpse, on technical surgical skills, organized by the S.I.A. and held in Paris from 16 to 18 June 2005 entitled "Arthroscopic and Prosthetic Surgery"
43. Participated in the YSOS international meeting "Young scientists and Orthopedic Surgeons" clubs of ICRS, held at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 01 July 2005
44. He participated, as a speaker, in the 90th National Congress of the Italian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology held in Florence from 09-13 October 2005
45. He participated in the 5th meeting held at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 22 October 2005 entitled "Computer-assisted orthopedic surgery"
46. ​​He participated, as a speaker, in the refresher course entitled "shoulder degenerative pathology" held in Messina on 09 December 2005
47. He participated in the IV annual refresher course on prosthetic surgery of the lower limb "Hip, knee, ankle and ankle joint" held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes from 12 to 15 December 2005.
48. He participated in the conference held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 15-16 December 2005 entitled "The shoulder: ultrasound, integrated imaging and clinical-surgical problems".

49. He participated in the congress held in Bologna on 18 January 2006 entitled "Bone regeneration with innovative biomaterials, bioengineered and not", obtaining 15 E.C.M.
50. He participated in the conference held in Forlì on 18 February 2006 entitled "Traumatology and rehabilitation of the basketball athlete", obtaining 5 E.C.M. training credits
51. He participated in the III update course on knee prostheses held in Rome 11-12 April 2006
52. He received 9 training credits (E.C.M.) for participation in the III ° refresher course on knee prostheses held in Rome 11-12 April 2006
53. He participated, as a speaker, in the conference held in Messina on 29 April 2006 entitled "Shoulder and knee instability: surgery and rehabilitation and return to sport", presenting a report entitled "Stability of the knee".
54. He obtained for the participation in the conference held in Messina on April 29, 2006 entitled "Shoulder and knee instability: surgery and rehabilitation and return to sport", number 5 E.C.M.
55. He participated in the 6th translational research meeting held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 20 May 2006, presenting a report entitled "Computer-assisted knee revision of arthroplasty".
56. He attended the conference held in Bologna on May 25, 2006 entitled "The minimally invasive front access way (AMIS)".
57. He participated in the VIII Congress of the Italian research society in orthopedics and traumatology, held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 07 June entitled "New perspectives of research in orthopedics"

58. He received 6 training credits for the participation in the VIII Congress of the Italian Research Society in Orthopedics and Traumatology, held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 07 June, entitled "New perspectives of research in orthopedics".
59. E.C.M.
60. Participated in the 16th International Congress of European Orthopedic Research (EORS), held in Bologna at Rizzoli Orthopedic Institutes on 06-07 June

82. He participated in the VIII National Congress of S.I.C.O.O.P., an Italian company of orthopedic surgeons in a private hospital, entitled "rheumatic arthropathy surgical treatment" held at Hotel Real Fini in Modena 25-26 January 2008
83. He participated in the 17th International Congress on sport rehabilitation and traumatology, held at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Bologna on 19-20 April 2008 entitled "Sports and surgical orthopedic rehabilitation: post-operative protocols".
84. He participated in the 1st theoretical and practical course on "Treatment of arthrosis of the knee" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 22-23 May 2008
85. He obtained for the participation in the theoretical and practical course on "Treatment of arthrosis of the knee" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 22-23 May 2008 number 15 E.C.M.
86. Participated in the conference "The Knee of the Third Millennium: New Technologies and Biomaterials" held at the Grand Hotel in Rimini 5-6 September 2008
87. Participated in the 2nd edition of the theoretical and practical course on "Treatment of degenerative shoulder and elbow pathology" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 22-23 September 2008
88. He obtained for participation in the theoretical and practical course on "Treatment of degenerative pathology of the shoulder and elbow" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 22-23 September 2008, number 13 E.C.M.
89. Participated in the 1st International Summer school course "Image-assisted surgery for arthroplasty of the lower limbs" at Villa Medicea "La Ferdinanda" in the Borgo di Artimino (Carmignano, PO) from 24-27 September 2008
90. He participated, as a speaker, in the congress "The tendon Patella" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on September 27, 2008, presenting a report entitled "Malformations of the knee extensor system in adults"
91. Participated in the 2nd SIGASCOT National Congress held at Sheraton Nicolaus Hotel Bari from 09-11 October 2008
92. He won a scholarship announced by SIGASCOT-GOTS 2008 "by participating in the traveling Fellowship at German and Austrian orthopedic university centers from 05 October 2008 to 18 October 2008
93. He obtained, on 06/11/2008, for participation in the course on "Computer-assisted knee arthroplasty" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute from 07/01/2008 to 30/06/2008 number 10 ECM training credits
94. He participated in the 93rd SIOT National Congress entitled "The contribution of Italian research and technology to the progress of orthopedics" held in Rome from 23 to 27 November 2008
95. He obtained for the participation, for the first day, in the 93rd SIOT National Congress entitled "The contribution of Italian research and technologies to the progress of orthopedics", 1st day, held in Rome from 23 to 27 November 2008 number 6 ECM training credits
96. He obtained for the participation, for the second day, in the 93rd SIOT National Congress entitled "The contribution of Italian research and technologies to the progress of orthopedics", 2nd day, held in Rome from 23 to 27 November 2008 number 6 ECM training credits
97. Participated in the conference "Current events in musculoskeletal pathology: ultrasound-guided therapies" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on December 12, 2008
98. He participated, as speaker, in the congress "Il tendine Patuleo" held in Bergamo at the "Verdi" classroom Airport Hotel-Bagnatica, presenting a report entitled "Malformations of the extensor system of the knee in adults" on December 13th 2008.

99. He participated in the training day held in Bologna at the "Codivilla-Putti" auditorium of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on March 27, 2009, entitled "Surveillance, surveillance and replacement of prostheses in the orthopedic field"
100. He participated as co-supervisor in the writing of the thesis, for the degree course in Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Bologna, entitled "Single-compartment prosthesis with focal coating Maior: nursing care in the perioperative period"
101. Participated in the Symposium "Innovation in Orthopedic Surgery: multidisciplinary approach" held in Bologna Savoia Hotel Regency, on April 21, 2009.
102. He took part in the refresher course "News on the subject of osteochondral and meniscal regeneration" held in Bologna at the "Campanacci" room of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute, on April 24, 2009.
103. He participated in the XVIII International Congress on Sport Rehabilitation and Traumatology, held at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Bologna on 25-26 April 2009 entitled "Knee Cartilage: strategies for treatment of sports patients from trauma to osteoarthritis".
104. Participated in the FIFA Workshop "Injury prevention in soccer" held in Bologna at the Congress Center on April 26, 2009.
105. He obtained the participation in the XVIII Congress of Traumatology and Sports Rehabilitation "Knee Cartilage: treatment strategies in sports patients from trauma to osteoarthritis" held in Bologna Isokinetic At Palazzo dei Congressi on 25-26 April 2009, issue 8 ECM training credits
106. He has participated, as a teacher, with the assignment of teaching, to the 2nd level University Master "The treatment of degenerative knee disease" holding a lesson entitled "Surface arthroplasty" on May 14, 2009
107. He has obtained for the participation in the Congress "Biomechanical analysis of the behavior of knee prosthesis implants by means of an intra-operative navigator" organized by the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and held in Bologna on 07 May 2009, number 10 E.C.M training credits
108. He obtained for the participation in the Congress "Analysis of anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions different and long follow up with radiological methods" organized by Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and held in Bologna on May 25, 2009, number 10 E.C.M training credits
109. He obtained for the participation in the Congress "Assessment of the Major" organized by the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and held in Bologna on May 25, 2009, number 5 E.C.M training credits
110. He obtained for the participation in the Congress "Intra-operative analysis of different types of reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament with navigator" organized by the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and held in Bologna on 25 May 2009, number 8 E.C.M training credits
111. He took part in the refresher course "News in Arthroscopic Surgery" held in Bologna on 08 June 2009.
112. He received, for participation in the refresher course "News in arthroscopic surgery" held in San Lazzaro di Savena on 08 June 2009, number 9 E.C.M.
113. He participated in the Company Training Plan held at the "Codivilla-Putti" research center of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute, entitled "Research materials" on October 27, 2009
114. He participated, as a speaker, in the congress held at Star-hotel Excelsior Bologna "Use and management of motorized systems in cranio-cervical facial surgery and orthopedic surgery" with a report entitled "Use of motors in orthopedic surgery" on 02 November 2009.
115. For the participation in the refresher course "Presentation of the company procedure on the treatment of post-operative pain" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on November 11, 2009, he received 3 E.C.M. training credits.
116. He participated in the conference of Regenerative Medicine 5th meeting by presenting a report entitled "First observations about the use of PRP in the treatment of patellar and Achilles tendinopathies with the help of the ultrasound guide" held at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute in date November 14, 2009
117. He participated in the conference "Inflammation of musculoskeletal tissues" held at the "Codivilla Putti" hall of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 11 December 2009
118. He received, for participation in the conference "Inflammation of musculoskeletal tissues" held in the main hall of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 11 December 2009, number 4 E.C.M.
119. He participated in the VIII annual refresher course on "Articular reconstructive surgery of the lower limb hip, knee, tarsal and foot" held in Bologna at the "Campanacci room" of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute from 14 to 16 December 2009.
120. He obtained, for participation in the "Carpal tunnel syndrome management" self-training activity organized by Aretrè srl, number 4 E.C.M. for the year 2009
121. Participated in the 94th SIOT National Congress entitled "The Revision of Prostheses. The extremes of the problem. The mini-invasiveness in orthopedics and traumatology "held in Milan from 07 to 11 November 2009
122. He participated in the Live Surgery "Innovative biomimetic Scaffold for osteochondral regeneration" held in Bologna at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on December 18, 2009

123. He took part in the "Foot tendinopathy in sport" course held in Bologna at the Codivilla Putti congress center of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute, on March 26-27, 2010.
124. Participated in the 19th International Congress on Sports Rehabilitation and Traumatology, held at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Bologna on 10-11 April 2010 entitled "Functional Outcome: optimizing funtional outcome in othopaedics and sports traumatology".
125. He participated in the European Federation of National Associations of Ort
126. Did you participate as a speaker at the XII IORS National Congress "Italian Orthopedic Research Society", presenting 2 reports entitled "Undercorrection or overcorrection in medial UKR? Retrospective clinical and radiographic evaluation of 173 patients at 63 months follow up "and another report entitled" Cementless arthroscopic-assisted focal resurfacing of the medial tibio-femoral compartment. Surgical Technique and clinical results at 2 years follow up ”held in Pavia at Aula Magna University of Studies on 7-8 May 2010
127. He participated, as a teacher, with conferral of teaching assignment, to the 2nd level University Master "The Treatment of degenerative knee disease" ay 2009-2010, holding a lesson entitled "Surface arthroplasty" on May 12, 2010
128. He took part in the Xth Rheumatological refresher course "Obesity and skeletal muscle system" held at the Codivilla Putti Congress Center of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute, held on 27-29 May 2010
129. He received 5 E.C.M. training credits for participation in the "Maior Assessment" event organized by the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and held in Bologna on 14 June 2010.
130. For the participation in the event "Intraoperative Analysis of different types of reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament with navigator" organized by the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and held in Bologna on June 14, 2010, he obtained 6 E.C.M. training credits.
131. He received, for participation in the "Field training project aimed at sharing knowledge" organized by the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and held in Bologna on June 14, 2010, number 5 E.C.M.
132. He received, for participation in the event "Biomechanical analysis of the behavior of knee prostheses with intra-operative navigator" organized by the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and held in Bologna on 14 June 2010, number 8 E.C.M.
133. Participated in the monothematic course "External fixation for bone reconstruction" held in Verona at Orthofix headquarters on 21-22 June 2010
134. He obtained, for participation in the conference "Anticoagulant therapy and osteoporosis therapy: medical-legal protection of osteoporosis in doubtful cases" held at the Amphitheater room of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 01 October 2010, number 4 training credits ECM
135. He attended the III Congress of the University Academy of Orthopedics and Traumatology held in Bologna at the "Campanacci Room" of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute from 07 to 08 October 2010
136. Participated in the "Traumatology and aids" course held at the Otto Bock stand at the Rehacare Internatonal Fair in Dusseldorf on 08-10 October 2010
137. Participated in the IIIrd SIGASCOT National Congress held in Verona from 14 to 16 October 2010
138. He participated in the VIII Edition of Research Translation "Prosthetic Reconstructive Surgery" held at "Aula Campanacci" Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 30 October 2010
139. Participated in the Regional congress O.T.O.D.I. entitled "Conservative hip surgery" held in the "Campanacci" classroom on 06 November 2010
140. He obtained, for participation in the Regional congress O.T.O.D.I. "Conservative hip surgery" held in the Campanacci room of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 06 November 2010, number 4 E.C.M.
141. He received 3 E.C.M. training credits for participation in the Meetings on Translational Research - Orthopedics and Traumatology organized by the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute Bologna on 11 November 2010.
142. Participated in the course "Clinic and therapy of degenerative knee disease" held in Bologna at Campanacci room on 18-19 November 2010
143. He participated in the live Regenerative Surgery "Innovative Biomimetic Scaffold for osteochondral regeneration" held at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute on 01 December 2010
144. He participated in the 9th annual refresher course on "Articular reconstructive surgery of the lower limb hip, knee, tarsal and foot" held in Bologna at the "Campanacci room" of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute from 13 to 15 December 2010.
145. He attended the 95th SIOT National Congress entitled "The Locomotor System in systemic diseases. Biomaterials and biotechnology in orthopedic surgery ”held in Rome from 20 to 24 November 2010