
Curriculum vitae


Anna Scialanca

Graduated with honors in 2007 at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, I continue my path specializing in the orthopedic field.

I started in 2008 with the course of Global Postural Reeducation, particularly deepening the treatment of scoliosis.

I continue my training over the years doing manual therapy courses, courses on the treatment of pain in the cervical and lumbar spine through the deactivation of the trigger points and many others on the rehabilitation of the different joints, in particular of the shoulder.

I have worked for eleven years in close contact with very competent motor sciences graduates, which has definitely enriched me professionally for what concerns the vast field of active exercises which, as more and more studies show, have a fundamental role in rehabilitation.

I also collaborated with the Alma Mater Studiorum as a tutor for several years for first and third year students of the Degree Course in Physiotherapy.

In this work you can not and must never stop studying and to date I am deepening the field of pelvic floor rehabilitation, too often underestimated or even ignored, to be able to take care of the patient as completely as possible.


Post-traumatic and post-surgical rehabilitation

Exercises for the rehabilitation of the pelvic floor

The perineum is a complex set of muscles located in the lower part of the pelvis and has several functions: urination, defecation, continence, sexual function, childbirth for women and also acts as a support for the organs.

Incontinence is a topic that is rarely talked about since for social reasons it has always been treated as a taboo, but it is much more widespread than we think.

Some perineal problems are inevitable (genetic factors, particularly difficult parts, trauma etc.) but there are many errors in daily practice, during pregnancy and in the post partum that can be avoided.

Furthermore, as we do with the other muscles of our body, we must train the perineum for the overall well-being of our body, we must not wait for a clinical motivation to do it!

My proposal is to guide you in small groups of maximum 4 people during pregnancy and in the postpartum (in this case bring your little ones!) Proposing the following objectives: the control of posture, the toning of the pelvic floor as a preparation for labor, at childbirth and a better recovery after childbirth, the toning of the abdominals, lower and upper limbs.

Shoulder rehabilitation