
Curriculum vitae

Andreea Caciula

Pain is the way our body tells us that something is wrong. Listening to it and understanding why it occurs is the first step towards healing. Putting yourself in front of a mirror and observing yourself for a few minutes is a practice that almost none of us ever does, but which even for less expert eyes allows us to see how much compensation each of us is able to unknowingly implement in order to have the maximum possible yield with the least energy expenditure.

 At the basis of my clinical practice there is always an understanding of the cause of the symptoms in order to set up an individual, causal (that is, correlates the causes and the effects) and global treatment (because each district affects the whole body and vice versa).

After graduating in Physiotherapy in 2009 at the University of Florence, Pistoia, I continued my training in Manual Therapy with the 1st level University Master in Musculoskeletal Disorders Rehabilitation at the University of Genoa . In 2012, the need to increasingly have a global vision of the human body led me to undertake the training path in Global Postural Reeducation. After the basic course I followed the RPG higher training courses with great enthusiasm. I found further integration possibilities in the Vestibular Reeducation, Pelvic Floor in Pregnancy courses and last but not least, Fascial Manipulation of Stick I and II level. Professional skills: Pathology of the spine.
Socrates has given us a great teaching and precisely because "I know I don't know" mine is a path in continuous formation.

Learn more about the pathology of the Rachis

Canal stenosis

In photo 1, the patient has an anterior trunk flexion in an upright position (compensation for stenosis).

In photo 2, following the RPG session, the patient regained verticality in an upright position, thanks to the increase in the intervertebral spaces and to the detension and lengthening of the anterior musculature.

Group RPG

The lessons are done after evaluation and individual path of Global Postural Reeducation. 

The goal is to maintain the neuromuscular rebalancing obtained with individual sessions. 

To ensure maximum quality, the groups are made up of a maximum of four people so that the physiotherapist can follow each patient in the right execution of the exercises.

Developmental scoliosis

In photo 1, the patient has left-convex lumbar and right-dorsal convex scoliotic curves. He performed a two-year RPG course with weekly sessions, did not wear a corset and had a bone growth of 15 centimeters. 

In photo 2 the patient recovered the balance with respect to the vertical axis with correction of the curves.

Scoliosis in adulthood

In photo 1 the patient has an imbalance towards the left, a negative predictive index as it is an expression of the fact that the body is currently in disequilibrium, therefore potentially worsening the scoliotic curves.

In photo 2, following three RPG sessions, the patient has a balance with respect to the vertical axis with harmonious distribution of the loads between left and right.